Friday, August 16, 2019
Original writing – My Decision about a Scary Ride
As we entered the gigantic theme park on a lovely summer day a voice from behind us shouted, â€Å"STOP!†We quickly turned around like spinning machines and we saw a 6 foot tall security guard running toward us like fast cheetah, his face was red like a rosy red tomato and it looked like his hat was going to fall off. I got a bit nervous because he was running towards us like we had just killed someone. I turned around and looked at Alisha and I saw that she was looking down with embarrassment, then I looked around me and I saw that everyone was staring at us like we had committed some sort of crime. â€Å"Girls you have forgotten your tickets†the security guard said. I felt so relieved that I let out a big sigh, like I had just ran a marathon, and Alisha and I started to laugh. After that we got our tickets from the security guard and headed towards the first ride which was called Space Invaders. When we got to the Space Invaders I could smell the horrible smell of oil, which smelt like a leaking gas, which made me feel a bit sick. I could also hear the big racket of the ride, and the screaming and shouting of the people on it, when it went whooshing past me in to the far distance like a crying baby slowly falling asleep. We waited in the queue for about ten minutes before it was our turn. When we got off the Space Invaders Alisha and I were just about to walk to the next ride when we saw a group of people that looked a bit like the characters from Harry Potter. One of them had bright red hair which made it look like his hair was on fire, this boy looked the same as Ronald from Harry Potter. Another boy that was with him had really big glasses that covered half of his face and it looked like the character of Harry Potter, and there was one girl that had white hair which made her look about 90 years old. I glared at there faces properly and they looked quite familiar so I said to Alisha, â€Å"Alisha don't these people look familiar?†and she said, â€Å"Yes they do look quite familiar.†Now we were both confused, so we decided to forget about it and walk off All of a sudden they started taking there hair off which made us realise that they were not a weird group of people but they were someone else. They were the rest of our mates Aziza, Amana and Sabah. Alisha and I looked at each other and burst out laughing. Then we said to the rest of our friends, â€Å"Come on lets go on the next ride†. All my friends wanted to go on the big tall rides but I was too frightened to go on them, but I was too ashamed to say it. The reason I didn't want to go on these big tall rides was when I was about five years old I sat on a really big ride and my seat belt was not tied properly so I nearly feel out. Ever since then I have hated sitting on big rides. I was not that ashamed to say it to Alisha because she is my best friend, but I do not want to say it in front of the rest of my friends because they will start calling me names. My friends were on their way to queue up for the next ride when I shouted, â€Å"I don't want to go on that ride yet, let's go on the Water Log first!†They all turned around and looked at me in a puzzled way and said â€Å"Okay we will go on that ride first but after that we are going on this big one.†I said, â€Å"Okay then†. I felt a bit relieved, but I was still scared. When we reached for the queue off the Water Log I saw that the queue was really long which made me feel a bit better because it will give me a bit more time to think of a good excuse not to go on the ride. All of my mates were laughing and enjoying themselves but I was just stood there like a statue staring at the big scary ride that I had to go on. Sabah noticed that I was staring at the ride so she said, â€Å"Why are you staring at that ride?†â€Å"Are you scared or something?†and I mumbled under my breath like a noise from a distance â€Å"No, why would I be scared.†Finally, it was our turn to sit on the Water Log. A big brown train splashing through the water like a sailing boat came in front of us and at the side of it said â€Å"The Water Log†. It was written in big bold writing. We quickly jumped in to the train and the ride set off. Whilst it was going up my eyes were fixed on the big tall ride, like a hunter on its target. I was the only one out of our group that was not enjoying themself. I was concentrating so hard on the next ride I was going to go on that I did not even realise that the ride I was sat on was about to finish. When we got off the Water Log Amana said, â€Å"Now its time for us to go on that big ride.†I just looked at her face and said â€Å"Can we go to the toilet first?†All of my mates glared at me and Alisha said, â€Å"We listened to you, now you will have to listen to us.†And I just mumbled, â€Å"Okay then.†Then all off my friends starting screaming with excitement. Alisha gripped me by the hand and dragged me towards the ride like she was dragging a rope in a game of tug of war. When we got to the ride I saw that the queue was really long. When I looked ahead of me the queue looked like a long colourful, slithery snake. I said to my friends, â€Å"I don't feel well you lot go on the ride and I will wait for you at the exit.†But they just said â€Å"No it will be better if we all go on together.†So I just said, â€Å"Okay then.†After this, I decided that I was not going to make any more excuses because it would make it obvious to my friends that I was scared. Whenever I looked up at the ride I could imagine myself as a five year old girl falling off which made me feel like crying. I could hear the whooshing of the ride vibrating in my ears and my heart was beating as fast as a drum. The biggest drop of the ride looked like a big blue tower stretched out 100 miles above the ground. And the rest of the ride stretched out in different directions as far as I could see. There was one more group of people to go on the ride and then it was our turn. I looked towards my friends and they were really excited, they were screaming and jumping around like kangaroos. Finally it was our turn, the people that were on the train before us got off, and all off the sudden the gates opened and people started to get on the ride. I went up to the seat and was just about to sit down when a weird feeling passed through me and made me blurt out to my friends â€Å"I don't want to go on this ride I am too scared.†My friends looked up at me and said, â€Å"But a thought you wanted to go on this ride.†They got off the ride and took me to a side where I told them the reason why I was scared of rides. When I told them the reason I expected them to laugh but they did not laugh at all Sabah just said, â€Å"Why are you ashamed that you are scared off a rollercoaster?†and Alisha said, â€Å"The first time I went on a rollercoaster I was even scared.†They all agreed with her. Then Aziza said, â€Å"Come on lets all of us go on this rollercoaster together.†But I was still too scared to go on it. So they decided that if I didn't go on it they were not going to go on it either which made me feel a bit guilty, so I decided that I will go on the rollercoaster with them. When I got on to the rollercoaster, I grabbed the metal part of the seat belt which was freezing cold like ice. I tied it up and got the bar of the seat down. Then all of a sudden the ride started to go. I could hear people screaming and shouting like animals from behind me but I could not see anything because I decided to close my eyes. When we get to the top all my friends started saying â€Å"Open your eyes.†So I opened my eyes and started screaming like a baby, but once it started going down the drop I really enjoyed myself. After the ride had stopped I enjoyed myself so much that I wanted to go on it again but unfortunately I couldn't because the ride had closed. I was not scared on a ride ever again. It's good to over come your fears.
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